Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another day, special

Don't you feel like you're running away?
Life's got you down
Feels like there's no other way
It feels like I'm out of control
Sometimes I just want to let you know
We're all in search of our souls
Trying to get through another day
Sometimes I just don't understand
Why it's so hard just to let this go
Don't you feel like you're running away?
Life's got you down
Feels like there's no other way
It feels like I'm out of control
Sometimes I just want to let you know
We're all in search of our souls 
Trying to get through another day
Sometimes I just don't understand
Why it's so hard just to let this go

It has been an emotional journey and i am proud that i am going throughout this process! I am growing, have to like this!
Another day – kings of tomorrow

Quick and in a budget

Veggie White pasta (my creation)

250g of pasta
250g of thin sliced mushroom
1 sliced glove of garlic

Boil the pasta for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the saucer pan; chop the mushroom and the garlic.
Put some olive oil in the saucer pan as you wish and when hot, place the garlic and mushroom…
Drain the pasta… if you like, you can mix the pasta and the butter; add the pasta to the other saucer pan containing the garlic and mushroom heated and enjoy.
I did my grocery shopping in Dunnes Store, Swan Shopping Centre, now better than Aldi.
Pasta.38c of € per 500g
500g of mushroom, 99c;
garlic, .79c.
Total: € 2,17


I woke up and rushed to the Immigration and surprisingly it was quite empty… well, credit crunch is taking its tool indeed. And I didn’t wait much longer. But while waiting, I was out doing some practise on my photos.
And again, surprised, I found out how to do B/W, arrange filters, apertures, different features on this camera that I have already for the past year or so…

But when sorting my visa out, the lady who got me, starts to create problems, asking stupid questions about attendance. “I am sick of this shit, but I need, so I’ll keep my cool”. So on she called her superior, “another queen in the house. Do u want a BJ mate?” and so on, he/she kept asking more and more question.
The noise was unbearable and there was a Nigerian kid running and screaming, around, “can anyone shut this F***** thing up?”
But I stayed calm and on the go. Answering the entire questions with proper English and showing then that I am here to stay.

“Sir, you have to understand that the Irish Government gave you the privilege to work
for 20 hours when studying and 40 hours while on holidays. Do you understand it?”
“Yes you F***** ejiit”, but keeping cool, answering another set of questions…
“Listen man, I can’t answer you if you keep shutting up!” And he apologises to me, tried to picture the situation and from there we got some results.
I ran faster that I could, I got some Subway €1.99 and headed to Bank of Ireland to pay that visa.

Afterwards, lunch break in Trinity College and more photo shoot. It was indeed a nice day and I am glad that I am on my way to sort things out for myself.

And when home, I managed to send out some cvs, talk to my pals and prepare to one more date. It was at Toast and this time, no regrets whatsoever it was a very nice and charming, flirting date. He had two bottles of Millers and I, believe or not, three cups of tea.

So, I decided to come home and I showed him a bit what I do in spare times… he got to know my views and according to D, he liked; a lot.
At home, more tea and a bit of TLC. And believe, it was worth every single bite of that former rugby player. Wow…

I * * * around. The goods are: amazing male body; pointing out the ass, mmm and the arms and legs; he was smiling throughout the entire date, making me feeling very comfortable on my own skin; kept the conversation on all the time; never minded the ciggie break that I had and, honestly, I had 2 drags and left. I wouldn’t make him feel uncomfortable waiting on me while I was having that; “it doesn’t make any sense when the date is going so well.”

And all this huricane of emotions for a simple reason:

Location: Dublin as usual. Trinity college, O’Connell Bridge, Dame St, Dawson St. Stephen Green area.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Falando de musica, eis os charts in the USA and UK p/ o mes de janeiro.
Legal que Gaga esta no topo dos dois lados do Atlantico.


Surfando pela net, achei tambem uma lista hilaria no site de WWW.PEREZHILTON.COM, colunista social de Los Angeles. Vale a pena dar risada!
Amy Winehouse como bad girl e um must e Brit se recuperando vale a pena. 
Porem, veremos se ela fara o montante de dinheiro que ela fez no passado novamente, sendo que sua marca, como artista se desvalorizou e muito, mas sabe do mais... estamos com vc menina, se joga na pista e arrasa!
O unico ponto negativo, ficou por conta de associar Barak Hussein Obama como celebridade. Mandou mal! (-1)
Eis a lista, que no site e rosa, alias, todo o site e rosa... o O! 
PS.: Os comentarios em aspas sao meus e nao dele!

(click no grafico acima e abrira tamanho normal)

E p/ show business e isso.

Ja estou a preparar  os videos que gravei, pois e, estamos gravando videos p/ postar por aqui... risos... comedia.


E por que ja estou sintonizado na onda indiana que tomara conta do Brasil, vale a abertura da novela, p/ que vc conferiram..

And i am so sorry Gloria Perez but, it is indeed the clone from the clone... so identical.. but we love you and we wish you all the success that you and your team can have during this 9 months!

And just to remember, one of the best soap operas in Brazil, O Clone. Also from the same writer. Any similarity is just coincidence! 

Monday, January 26, 2009

Começa o ano do boi


Segunda,26/01, começa  o ano do boi. Segundo as tradições chinesas serão doze meses onde apenas os que trabalharem pesado e resistirem terão sucesso. Pelo que vem por aí, normal que fique mais difícil que oportunidades caiam no colo. Fritar a cabeça não vai ajudar muito a enxergar as coisas claramente. Portanto, arregace as mangas. (Blog do Fish)




Hoje, sao 3 semanas desempregado. Foda. Sem cigarros, estou esperando por grana que nunca chega de um cara que anda me devendo. Ainda por cima, WWW.FAS.IE, em plena segunda-feira ate as 6.10pm, disponibilizou apenas 43 vagas de trabalho para a cidade de Dublin no geral ... Nao estou comentando na area de hospitality or retail... Estou falando de mepregos em geral... *(

E como nao ando trabalhando, nao saio de casa. Me parece que estou deprimido, mas me recuso a aceitar esta onda, entao me dedico aos projetos de midia. 




Ontem fiz meus experimentos sobre news usando o youtube. Falta editar e colocar na rede. Como nao me preocupo mais com a minha voz, decidi que estava na hora de parar de criticar e fazer minha parte tambem... Entao se preparem p/ as mais comedias e informativas notas do universo midiatico, cultural, fashion and de fofocas! Tudo... Esqueci do universo gay? Foi mal, GAY tambem sera noticia por aqui.




Destaque da semana: Hoje se tudo der certo estarei em um date por cerca das 9pm. Se acontecer, estarei relatando tudo p/ vcs...





Hoje Sindicatos e o Governo Irlandeses reunen-se para encontrar solucoes para ressucitar a economia. Sem sucesso.


Ulster Bank, RBS, corta mais de 200 empregos no sistema bancario da Inglaterra devido a fusao de banco e uma subsidiaria EBS; tudo por conta de erro de gestao, promovendo perdas de ate €850milhoes;

na Irlanda, o RBS espera cerca de 500 demissoes voluntarias.


Governo Irlandes nao sabe mais onde cortar as despesas do governo, ameacando cortar salarios de enfermeiros, professores e policiais. Ou seja, a categoria base que presta servico a populacao ja cansada da indecisao dos governantes em achar alternativas em uma das piores crises economicas desde dos anos 80. As tres categorias ja amecaram e alertam que, se houver cortes em salarios e profissionais, uma GREVE geral aos servicos paralisara o pais como um todo. Instabilidade a vista! 

Dos 4 milhoes de irlandeses, 8,5% estao desempregado, e os numeros continuam a crescer.


Islandia, terra de Bjork: governo sai de cena nesta manha sob pressao diaria da populacao que esta nas ruas, se manifestando contra a situacao de descaso dos governantes diante da crise economica que varreu o pais. O sistema bancario esta falido desde ultimo novembro e o a populacao esta nas ruas


E na Inglaterra, quatro parlamentares, pedem desculpas aos colegas do Parlamento, por serem acusados de receberem dinheiro p/ mudarem as leis locais. 

Qualquer semelhanca com o Brazil, termina ai, porque Parlamentares Brasileiros nao pedem desculpas... e nunca estao errados...


Sunday, January 25, 2009

. . . horny, yes, I am . . .

While not properly working, I am deeply feeling my body's urges...
Isn't helping as well as I keep on going in this routine...

. . .

Get naked

  . . .

" This sounds nice

I got a plan we can do it

Just when you want it baby

As long as you want it

Come with me we can do it


My body is calling out for you bad boy

I get the feeling that I just want to be with ya

Baby, I'm a freak and I don't really give a damn

I'm crazy as a (mother fucker)

Bet that on ya man

If ya like what ya see

And your curiosity

Let your mind roam free

Won't you pay attention please

What I gotta do to get you to want my body?

Quarter past three and ready to leave the party

What ya tryin to do

(I got a plan we can do it just when you want it baby)

What ya tryin to do

(As long as you want it come with me we can do it, baby)

Get naked

Take it off

I'm not ashamed of my beauty you can see what I got

(Shouldn't I freak you out; imagine if I work it out)

If I get on top, (your gonna lose your mind)

The way I put it down boy you know should be up

I understand that you don't got no plan;

and I just want to take your hand;

and I need you to understand;

that I got everything perfect more that you want; if I get it all inside work that body get it all(You Got It)

I just wanna take it off, I just wanna take it off

Baby, take it off "


28 years old, single, alone, living alone and no friends. 
horny indeed!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Searching for moments

> --------------------------------------------------
> On Thu 22 Jan 2009 01:59 AM, happyinhere wrote:
> how u mate?
> good night!

> --------------------------------------------------
> On Thu 22 Jan 2009 02:00 AM, chiselbutt wrote:
> i'm good mate, having a good night. but staying in cos i'm poor. what
> about
> you?
> what t you up to?

> --------------------------------------------------
> On Thu 22 Jan 2009 02:02 AM, happyinhere wrote:
> welcome to the team. bankrupt here...
> just checking n maybe more..
> where u based?

> --------------------------------------------------
> On Thu 22 Jan 2009 02:03 AM, chiselbutt wrote:
> i'm in phibsborough mate ...wat about you, and i can't wait till next
> week.
> actual
> money

On Thu 22 Jan 2009 02:05 AM, happyinhere wrote:

> hehe.. im in rathmines...
> so desperately... hehe
> so, do u go out much when u r rich... meaning, when u uave money?

> On Thu 22 Jan 2009 02:08 AM, chiselbutt wrote:
> a bt but its more having the option of heading out. not a big scene
> person, but
> don't mind heading out drinking with friends
> --------------------------------------------------

> On Thu 22 Jan 2009 02:09 AM, happyinhere wrote:
> mmm, interesting. no i dnt do scene no more. time is gone. 2much for
> 2little i
> guess.
> --------------------------------------------------

>> On Thu 22 Jan 2009 02:11 AM, chiselbutt wrote:
> lol yh...its crap anyway, skinnny princesses that thinks they're
> queens...
> --------------------------------------------------

On Thu 22 Jan 2009 02:17 AM, happyinhere wrote:

> do u know what. actually they are not the only problem... there is those
> guys or muscles that actualy work in the same way that the queens ones. is

> to much nick n pick... too much looks.. looks is very important, so
> mates
> have no chance at all... is just sickining and tiring... so, i just gave
it up.
> for
> sure, skinny ones, make it worse to look @, haha
> or the indecise lads... or the old fellas that are just looking for new
meat so
> they
> can suck the energy of young ones like vampires.... is all wrong...
> i used to go, get plasted and back home.. i used to go for the music...
> now, is no more fun. too much prostitutes around as well nowadays....
> --------------------------------------------------

Thu 22 Jan 2009 02:20 AM
lol you said it mate,
anyway i gotta hit the hay for work tmw.
chat to you again ok

cruising online

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cheap emotions in recession times….

(First of all, well done Barak Hussein Obama, the 44th president of the United States of America. You go man… all the best of luck, you’ll need it… )

I could not ignore this conversation that I witness few days ago. And it was so lively and strange because reflects desperation, sadness and the ugliness side of the lonely gay world. Study case, the online gay world.

In the next following blogs, I’ll be touching the sauna, clubs, cruising and organizations that helps young gays come out.

In my point of view, and myself include in it, we as a human being do not know anymore how to interact in this faster, technology society that uses I-pods, I-phones, wi-fis and downloading pictures within seconds to obtain pleasure as well as we order take-out food from the Chinese. In this faster world, only the strongest minds will survive… No need to say that my visions are focused in the Irish 21st century life style, where I am living and dealing my issues of a growing up man.

Cruising online, this profile had sent me an email. I opened it and from there we kept a nice talking for few minutes until my needs for food and shower called my attention. I left the talking with a good perspective that in the next day I would have a nice and charming date. However, this profile broken into midnight calling my phone and asking for me to go his place. With no fear I went.
And when I got there he was sleeping in the sofa and I was outside calling his phone in the cold. After 20 minutes, he finally got me inside the house. He was drinking whiskey on the rocks. He kept making noises with his mouth and asking me if I was alone – no relationship, if was happy and worse of all, rubbing my hands like a freak.
“Oh, God, how I ended up in this place?”
“It is definitely a lovely house. It has 6 bedrooms with in suite. It also has a huge kitchen and a large living room”.
- I didn’t pay attention in the rest of the house till the next morning.
In bed… well, the same scenario repeats itself, because he could not get a hard on and he also kept repeating the same bullshit like:
“Are you ok?”
“Are you lonely?”
”Do you have someone in you life?”
“Don’t mind me, I am shine”…
And I kept cool till both of us fall sleeps.
The next day, I was told to leave the place because it was time to go.
On my way home I had the following thoughts that I later put in papers but I won’t be posting in full. However, I kept asking myself the same questions.

“How, me, as a smart, sex, happy, optimist and intelligent bloke could ever be in such a mentally mess, again?”
How many of us is placing ourselves in this situations? So, on I have to extend my thoughts to most of us, how can we get ourselves in such emotional mess?
An effective, however lazy answer could be because of the loneliness and selfishness to just get pleasure to and from bodies that in this faster universe, we all forget that behind the skin, there is more to cope, when things didn’t go quite well! And also because we want all now and now, we don’t have time to experience a regular date on itself.
“I have to say, few days before this shit date, I had a lovely afternoon and I’ll be posting the event. It was worth and I’ll always remember it”

I wrote the
Sent by email and …

The reply that I got, few hours later by private number, coward, was:
“You are so sad and stupid… fuck off”.
That really keeps me thinking that a man, in his later 30’s is telling me that? Wow, is just a joke. I would expect that from a teenage or a queen, not from a latter 30’s. Now, he kept calling me in a private number… it is indeed sad. I have to take it as a joke. The man was unable to keep the level of the conversation. Just re read the message sent by this sad soul lines above.
Yet again, unable to express feelings the easier way is attack because he could not get from me the dependence that he is looking for in another sad and silly soul. He will find his one, but he is not having mine.

Wrote on January, 17, 2009 - Updated on January, 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 to enjoy being alone

Where do I start?
How do I start?

I now, Dublin is over! For the past 18 months, Dublin is feeling the consequences of been so attractive to the easy money makers. This place is sinking faster than titanic. Dublin is no longer attractive. Yes ladies and gents, the party is officially over. And the cleaning will have to be done by us.

There’s no more jobs, no more easy money available and we all look desperate and sad. The weather is also not helping at all. Now is one of the worse winters ever in my short 28 years and I also look desperate and worry. As a reflex of Dublin’s life style, I have no job at moment. No income to expect and the future looks grin and gray. Black lets say.

As well as Dublin, I throw myself in this mess. I tricked my future and 2009 is not having a great start. I am scared and without question, bankrupted. Around 11.25 on this winter, windy, cold and wet Sunday; I had my last piece of bread, with sausage, tomato sauce and mustard dressing. I had a quick look in my refrigerator and didn’t want to believe that it is empty. All I had was a quarter bottle of white wine, one chocolate cake and whipped cream. Oh God, how depressing.

Back to Dublin city, no jobs, more and more unemployed people and less and less glamour. Unemployed rates here are in 7 percent and each day, more and more companies are letting staff going due shortage of profit. The confidence consumer is the lowest in 20 years and it is said that this crises is worse than the 80’s. Back in the 80’s around 75 percent of the Irish population was leaving the country. So, if 2009 is worse than the 80’s, future is indeed black now.

Do I have anything to celebrate? Not really. I am feeling alone, left out of the scene, no friends call me and I owe the bank, people and credit cards. Need to reapply for my visa and I still have to pay my English school for this 2009. And making things worse, I am in no place to collect money or food.

And, a few days later, more money had to be spent because my belly keep sending me signs and noise. Maybe, I need some food. Yet again, the money that I suppose to keep to pay my visa, is now shorter.

This photo is my self portrait and the city itself. Welcome…to the recession time. And is meant to stay until the end 2010!

** And as a personal project, in 2009 I’ll learn how to enjoy being alone…

Initially wrote in 18/01/2009 - Updated in 20/01/2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

opening new document, for 2009!

just started my own blog...
yes, there is a big trivia question surrounding my thoughts nowadays...

" - What to do with my life?
How to find my direction in this life?"

now is 2.27 am, in Dublin. 
-4degrees and wild wind out there. 

i am not in my great shape or form but, while dedicating time and energy to build this, I hope I'll be bringing myself to life once more. 
this page will be update when i feel like doing and so on, keep an eye on and see if you'll be featured in this!

the initial idea is to be creative, spontaneous and bring back my journalism skills. here you'll find current affairs, comments on art and Dublin scene plus my very peculiar photo-shoots. 
I'll also be posting my talks with people that cross my patch while out doors or online. 

" - I am a big fun of online chat rooms...
so many things happens over there... "

as i'm not a native in English, please, do not expect great grammar in here. so, keep on and feel welcome to embrace this work experience...

Baila Atha Cliath,